Alexander III
- Created by: Emily Wright
- Created on: 19-04-13 13:40
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- Alexander II
- Character
- Upbringing
- Educated by humane, liberal tutors Zhukovsky and Merder
- Well prepared by Nicholas I to be ruler
- Involved in commitees
- Personality
- Gentle / Charming
- Most intelligent and humane of the Romanovs
- Less attracted to military than most Romanovs
- Mood varied from enthusiasm to apathy
- Upbringing
- As Tsar
- Role
- Alternated between reform and reactionary tendencies
- Reflected in his appointment of ministers
- Historians debate on his importance in reforms
- Increasingly gave no clear lead in government
- Worried by assassination attempts
- Upset by criticism even after reforms, and also by demands to extend them
- Alternated between reform and reactionary tendencies
- Key Individuals
- Grand Duke Constantine: convinced reformer / Minister of Navy
- Duchess Pavlovna: helped to persuade the emancipation
- Role
- Domestic Policy
- Emancipation
- Peasent discontent
- Zemstva
- Reduction of powers
- Judicial reforms
- Relaxation of Censorship
- Increased censorship
- Education reforms
- Reduction of University autonomy
- Growth od dissent
- Reduction of University autonomy
- Military reforms
- Financial reforms
- Emancipation
- Foreign Policy
- 1856
- Peace of Paris ended disasterous Crimean war
- Black sea neutralised
- 1863
- Polish revolt eventually crushed
- Poland renamed Vistula province
- 100000 exiled to Siberia
- 1871
- Black sea clauses of Paris treaty renounced
- 1877
- War with Turkey over atrocities in Balkans
- Russian success
- Forward policy influenced by Panslav public pressure
- War with Turkey over atrocities in Balkans
- 1878
- March: Treaty of San Stefano, large gains for bulgaria
- June: Congress of Berlin, previous gans largely lost, political humiliation
- Expansion
- After failure in Europe headed east
- 1856
- Overall
- Period of great reforms but failed to establish firm base for modernised autocracy
- Other reformscreated elements potentially critical of autocracy
- Emancipation"too little, too late"? failed in tackling major agarian problems
- Missed oportunities over a) emancipation b) the establishment of some form of national representative assembly
- Character
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