Alexander II: Overview
Alexander II Key sections
War and Revolution
Life of the People
Structure of Government
- Created by: alanah pople
- Created on: 06-04-14 23:38
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- Alexander III
- War and Revolution
- Signed Treaty of Paris in 1856 to end Crimean War
- Came to Throne during Crimean War in 1855
- Crimean War made him realise Russia was no longer a great military power
- His adivsors argued this was due to Serfdom not being able to compete with industrialised economies
- It is better to abolish serfdom from above than to wait for the time when it will begin to abolish itself from below"
- Life of the People
- Freed the Serfs with Emancipation Manifesto in 1861
- Emancipation Edit allowed peasants to buy land from Landlords: the Government paid and would receive redemption payments in 49 years
- Universal Military training from 1974
- Reduced military duty from 25 years to 6
- Given inadequate land and had to pay more than it was worth
- Opposition
- Emancipation did not satisfy liberals or radicals who wanted parliamentary democracy and freedom of expression
- In 1876 Land and Liberty were formed despite it being illegal to criticize the Russian Government. Ideas came from Mikhail Bakunin
- In October 1979, Land and Liberty Split into People's Will (who favoured terrorism) and the Black Repartisians
- Alexander Soloviev attempted assaination attempt on Alexander II in April 1879; he was executed the following month
- After many attempts on his life, in 180, Alexander II announced he was considering granting a constitution
- Killed by Grinevitski on his way to the Winter Palace in March 1881
- Economy
- in the 1860s, Russia had around 1200 miles of railway compared to 15,500 in 1880
- Structure of Government
- In 1864 he allowed each district to set up a Zemstvo with powers to provide roads, schools and medical services, however only the rich could vote and they had no monetary powers
- Improved Municipal Government in 1870
- As he announced he was considering a constitution, he also set up the Okhrana
- In January 1881, Loris Melikof suggested expanding the Zemstvo
- The Judiciary became an independent branch of government and single unified system in 1964
- War and Revolution
- Structure of Government
- In 1864 he allowed each district to set up a Zemstvo with powers to provide roads, schools and medical services, however only the rich could vote and they had no monetary powers
- Improved Municipal Government in 1870
- As he announced he was considering a constitution, he also set up the Okhrana
- In January 1881, Loris Melikof suggested expanding the Zemstvo
- The Judiciary became an independent branch of government and single unified system in 1964
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