Alexander III: Overview
Alexander III Key Sections:
Revolution and War
Life of the People
The economy
Structure of Government
- Created by: alanah pople
- Created on: 07-04-14 22:19
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- Alexander III
- Life of the People
- Russification of national minorities e.g. imposed the Russian language
- In 1881, he lowered redemption payments and abolished compulsory purchasing of peasant plots
- In 1882, he founded the Peasant Land Bank and limited the hours of women and children in factories
- Abolished poll tax in 1886
- in 1891, 20,000 Jews were evicted from Moscow
- Revolution and War
- Opposition
- Several assassination attempts but died of natural causes in1894
- The Economy
- Imposed heavy duties on imports and as a result saw the first surplus in 1992
- Introduced higher degree of frugality and accounting in state finance, liquidating the budget deficit
- Construction of the Trans-Siberian railway began
- "When the Russian Tsar fishes, Europe can wait"
- Structure of Government
- Announced no intention of limiting autocratic power and cancelled his father's plans for a representative assembly
- Tightened censorship
- Believed in a special destiny for Russia, free from Western reforms
- His reign became known as national autocracy
- Limited the Power of the Zemstvo
- Life of the People
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