American Line Dance
- Created by: Amy2102
- Created on: 04-04-16 14:46
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- American Line Dance
- Date and place: 1980s America
- Performers: The Carter Family, Hank Williams
- Venue: Clubs and Dance Halls
- Dance Steps: Stand in lines, face same way, same steps with each other
- Rhythm, Metre and Tempo
- 4/4 Time
- Steady tempo
- Bass line consists of crotchet movement
- Melody
- Very repetitive with narrow range
- regular 4 bar phrases
- Glissandos between notes
- Structure
- Verse - Chorus Structure
- Sections of equal length
- Suits the repetitive nature
- Instrumentation
- melody is sung (male)
- Steel guitar
- Banjo
- Harmonica
- Accordion
- Violin
- Drums
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