American West Revision
- Created by: Phillipstrumpet007
- Created on: 30-05-18 07:33
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- American West
- The Great Plains are the grasslands of North America.
- Early European explorers found the plains a very hostile environment.
- Characteristics of the Great Plains
- Enormous size
- Lack of trees
- Unpredictable weather
- Native Americn Society
- The Native Amercians were not one people, but lots of trubes
- The most famous tribes were the Apache, Sioux, Blackfeet and Cheyenne, each one led by its own Council of Elders.
- Native American chiefs had no power over his people, although he did have great respect from them, based on his bravery in war.
- The hunt was the only occasion when everybody had to obey.
- The only duty that members of the tribe had was to pray.
- Because there was a need to take care of the women and children of the tribe, marriage was easy.
- Community Spirit
- The whole tribe had to join together for the buffalo hunt.
- The young braves thought it was an honour to feed the old and the weak.
- Old people voluntarily committed exposure (wandered off to die), as the tribe couldn't afford hangers-on.
- They considered the worst crimes to be not looking after one's parents, hurting people who were sick, or harming the religion.
- Horse stealing (from other tribes) was admired.
- The Great Plains are the grasslands of North America.
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