Anarchism : Individualist Anarchism

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  • Individualist Anarchism
    • Egoism
      • Nihilism - Literally a belief in nothing; the rejection of all moral and political principles.
      • The boldest statements of anarchist convictions built on the idea of the sovereign of the individual.
      • Stirner's theory represent an extreme form of individualism.
      • Egoism can have two meanings, it can suggest individuals are essentials concerned about their ‘self’ or ‘ego’ and that they are self interested or self seeking (Supported by Locke)
      • Self interestedness can however generate conflict among individuals and justify the existence of a state which would be needed to restrain people from harming others.
      • In Stirner's view egoism is a philosophy that places the individual self at the centre of the moral universe. The individual should simply act as she or he chooses, without any consideration for laws, social conventions, religious or moral principles.
      • Such position aligns with nihilism, this is a position of both extreme atheism and extreme individual anarchism.
      • Contained few proposals on how order could be maintained, has relatively little impact on the emerging anarchist movement, but did influence Nietzsche.
    • Libertarianism
      • A belief that the individual should be enjoy the widest possible realm of freedom; libertarianism implies the removal of both external and internal constraints upon the individual.
      • Remove all constraints on freedom.
      • Great belief in rational thinking, believe discussion and negotiations can sort out problems diplomatically.
      • Put faith in ‘labour / market ‘ exchanges and mutualism.
    • Anarcho - Capitalism
      • Revival in free market economics in the late twentieth century led to increasingly radical political conclusions. Adopting classical economics they wished ‘get government off the back of business’ and allow the economy to be disciplined by market forces, rather than an interventionist state.
      • Government can be abolished and replaced by unregulated market competition, property should be owned by sovereign individuals who may if they choose to enter voluntary contracts with others in the pursuit of self interest. The individual thus remains free and the market, beyond the control of any single individual or group, regulates all social interaction.
      • Anarcho capitalists go well beyond the ideas of free market liberalism, they believe the free market can satisfy all human wants, for example protection by privately owned ‘protection associations’ without a need for police. These services would offer better service as they are a consumer choice, ensuring cheap, efficient and responsive to consumer needs.
      • Anarcho capitalism can be seen in some forms of society today, for example private companies running prisons and schemes such as neighbourhood watch becoming commonplace.
    • Individualist Anarchists
      • Constraints on individual sovereignty is absolute evil.
      • Anarchists believe individuals can conduct themselves peacefully harmoniously and prosperously without the need of government
      • Absolute and unlimited authority resides in each human being (sovereign individual)
      • Individuals can live and work together constructively because they are rational and moral creatures without a state.
      • Lies within the liberal idea of the sovereign individual. Conclusions are reached by pushing liberal individualism to its logical extreme.
      • Anarchists dismissed the idea of limited, constitutional or representative government. All laws infringe on individual liberty.


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