Anatomical votive from the shrine of Asclepius
- Created by: flyingcolours01
- Created on: 18-01-23 15:26
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- Anatomical votive from the shrine of Asclepius
- c.1st century AD
- features
- incription dedeicating it from Tyche to Ascelpios and Hygieia as a thank you
- suggests the main gods worshipped
- records reciprocal relationship between mortal and gods
- pictue of leg suggesting the leg was helaed
- people would dedicate iamges of what body aprts had been cauing them problems
- made of marble
- expensove material showing gratitude of devotee to the healing culkt
- votive offering found in the shrine of Asclepius
- cults popuklatrity as Greeks woukd see the votive as evidence so more likely to aprtake
- shows the success of worship
- people were successfully treated revealing the medical/scientific approach alongside religious to treatment
- incription dedeicating it from Tyche to Ascelpios and Hygieia as a thank you
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