Ancient Philosphical Influences
- Created by: bubblegum5
- Created on: 17-08-19 08:24
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- Aristotle and Plato
- Plato
- Allegory of the cave
- The Forms: Every object and concept has a form
- in the world of the forms, these are these concepts are perfect and ideal
- The world of the Forms is spiritual and superior to our world
- Form of the Good - most important form
- Not everyone will see the Form of Good the same way. It is subjective, not universal like Plato suggests
- If the forms were so essential to true understanding why don't more people study them?
- Doesn't help us understand the world we live in, therefore the forms have no practical value
- Cant prove the world of forms exist
- If there is a form of everything, does that mean there is a perfect for of cancer?
- Aristotle
- Prime Mover is the uncaused causer
- There is a cause for everything (efficient cause)
- 4 causes
- 1 Material cause
- 2 Efficient cause
- 3 Formal cause
- 4 Final cause
- Rely on experience: experience varies from person to person
- Lacks clarity
- If the prime mover cannot interact with the world, it is very different from the Judeo-Christian God
- There is no point praying to Aristotle's God if it so disinterested in our existence
- If the prime mover cannot interact with the world, it is very different from the Judeo-Christian God
- Some things happen by chance -> Bertrand Russell: "the universe is just here, and that's all"
- Prime Mover is the uncaused causer
- Plato
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