- Created by: jatyization
- Created on: 11-04-13 23:59
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- Ancient World
- Pre-Historic
- No Government people live nomadic lifestyle's
- Primitive tools such as flints
- No language, tools or education of medicine
- Religion = Belief of the spirit world
- Spirits cause diseases and illnesses. Cures restricted to supernatural charms and amulets
- Trepanning = An early form of surgery to release evil spirits from the skull
- Ancient Egyptian
- Religion = The god Sekhmet caused and cures epidemics
- Used hieroglyphic writting and trade to share medical knowledge
- Believed human body contained niles and if they became blocked it caused illnesses. Illnesses also caused by rotting food
- Prevent and treat illnesses by herbs, potions charms, regular baths and mosquito nets.
- Factors that helped: -Trade -Specialist doctors -Writing -Religion -Nile and farming
- Ancient Greece
- Asclepius cures you when you sleap in his temple
- Four humours and hippocrates making it popular through his writing
- Yellow bile, black bile, blood and phlegm
- Hippocratic oath and his careful observation
- Ancient Rome
- Galen expanded on theory of four humours, tried to cure diseases
- Relied on theory of opposites
- Galen wrote many books, read for centuries. His ideas were approved by Christianity so were accepted .
- Galen was able to dissect bodies in Alexandria, Also belived in observing and recording symptoms.
- Public health systems introduced by the government, include: sewers, aqueducts, public baths, public toilet.
- Galen expanded on theory of four humours, tried to cure diseases
- Pre-Historic
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