And the Glory of the Lord
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- Created by: Nia
- Created on: 08-05-14 13:51
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- And the Glory of the Lord
- Texture
- Alternates between homophonic and polyphonic
- Musical features that make it sound Baroque
- Use of imitation and sequence syllabic word setting- this means there is one word per note. yet also use of melisma word setting- one word spread over many notes, e.g. 'revealed'
- General Facts
- By George Frideric Handel
- Baroque music was from 1600-1750
- This piece is the first chorus from the oratorio 'Messiah'
- Oratorio
- Recitatives
- Arias
- Choruses
- Time signature
- 3/4
- Tempo
- Allegro- lively, fast dance tempo to match joyous mood
- Dynamics
- mf and f to match joyful mood of words- Terraced
- Pitch
- Reaches all vocal ranges
- Rhythm
- Driving regualr on-beat crotchet rhythms match stately mood. use of hemiola- notes grouped in 2 beat units
- Harmony
- Clear majorharmonies- minor has been avoided to match joyful words. uses perfect cadences during piece with a plagal cadence ending the chorus
- Melody and Form&Structure
- Four contrating melodies
- 'And the glory, the glory of the Lord'
- 'Shall be re-veal-ed'
- 'And all the flesh- shall see- it to-gether'
- for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it
- Four contrating melodies
- Tonality
- A major
- Instrumentation
- Written for four voices, Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass
- Strings, basso continuo (cello and harpsichord), trumets and timpani, also oboes and bassoons
- Texture
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