And The Glory Of The Lord - Handel - Revision
Teacher recommended
?- Created by: Lottie97
- Created on: 31-03-13 19:53
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- And the Glory of The Lord - Handel
- Texture
- Largely polyphonic with monophonic vocal entries at the beginnning
- Imitative on 'shall be revealed' an sequences
- Rhythm and Metre
- Hemiolas - where the rhythm seems to be in a different time signiture
- Usually you can spot hemiolas when there are ties over the bar lines
- 3/4 triple time
- Regular on-beat movement from the bass keeps the rhythm moving
- Dramatic use of rests at the end - 'hath spoken it'
- Tonality and Harmony
- A major
- Perfect cadences and a plagal cadence at the end
- Notes and chords are from the prevailing key
- Modulation to E major and B major etc. in the middle
- Diatonic harmonies
- Structure
- Based on Italian opera forms - recitative, aria, chorus and overture/interlude
- Biblical plot
- From and Oratorio - The Messiah, ostinatos used frequently
- Melody
- 4 main contrasting musical motifs - 'And the Glory', 'Shall be Revealed', And All Flesh' and 'For the Mouth'
- Pedals used - tonic, dominant and inverted used.
- Instrumentation
- Basso continuo - harpsichord (or organ) and cello
- Violins, Viola, Cello, Double Bass, Oboe, Bassoon and Trumpet
- SATB choir sing mostly syllabic
- Baroque - first concert - 1742
- Texture