King Lear - Act 1 + 2 - Animal Imagery

  • Created by: hjkb_
  • Created on: 11-01-18 16:15
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  • Animal Imagery
    • Act 2
      • "Sharp-toothed unkindness like a vulture here"
      • "struck me with her tongue, most-serpent like, upon the very heart"
    • Context
      • Mythological creatures - strength and danger
      • Sea-monster biblical account of Leviathan and mythology
      • Fox is sly, like how daughters are acting
      • Vulture - waiting for Lear to die t ****** land and titles
      • kite bird of prey - meanness, cruelty and death also biblical
      • Serpent - genesis story - deceit
    • Act 1
      • "Detested kite"
      • "sea-monster"
      • "How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is / To have a thankless child"
      • "do not come between a dragon and his wrath"
      • "A fox when one has caught her"
    • Characters
      • The Fool
      • Lear


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