- Created by: tash.baines
- Created on: 03-06-21 10:02
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- anti-Semitism
- Jews affected the most by Russian nationalism
- around 5 million Jews within empire
- mostly confined to 'The Pale of Settlement'
- Alex II initially allowed wealthier Jews to settle elsewhere
- withdrew concessions after 1863-1864 Polish revolt
- reduced Jewish participation in town governments
- led to growth in anti-Semitism
- anti-semitism encouraged under Alex III
- Alex III and ministers (including Pobedonostsev) were anti-Semitic
- for both religious and political reasons, including fear of Jewish involvement in growing opposition movements
- Alex III and ministers (including Pobedonostsev) were anti-Semitic
- 1881-1884 Jewish pogroms
- series of Jewish pogroms broke out in Yelizavetgrad (Ukraine) in April 1881
- authorities did little to stop attacks
- Okhrana may have encouraged them
- violence spread to other Ukrainian towns
- affected around 16 major cities
- Jewish property burned
- shops and businesses destroyed
- many instances of **** and murder
- many Jews fled to western Europe
- many outbreaks continued to 1884, but sporadic pogroms occurred after
- anti-Semitic legislation
- series of laws passed between 1882-1894
- increasingly curtailed Jew rights
- included 1882 May Laws
- confined Jews to living in ghettoes in towns and cities, even within the Pale of Settlement
- included 1886 decree
- prevented Jews from running inns
- restricted Jewish right to sell alcohol
- Jews forbidden from participation in 1892 local elections
- series of laws passed between 1882-1894
- impact of anti-Semitism
- many Jews left Russia after pogroms
- either voluntary or forcibly expelled
- foreign Jews and Jews settled outside Pale began to be deported from 1890
- around 30,000 Jewish artisans expelled from Moscow in 1891-1892
- many Jews left Russia after pogroms
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