AO2 media influence on prosocial behaviour

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  • AO2 media influence on prosocial behaviour
    • exposure to prosocial behaviour
      • woodard found that US programs for preschool children did have high levels of prosocial content
        • 77% of the programs serveyed contained at least one prosoical lesson
      • the servey also found that only four of the top twenty most watched TV programmes for under 17s contained any prosocial lessons
    • developemental factor
      • younger children would be least affected by prosocial programming
      • meta analysis by mares found that the weakest effect was for adolescents and the strongest effect for primary school children. effects on prescohool children were intermediate
    • parental mediation
      • is only effective if discussion and explaination is invovled
      • just coveiwing is often argued not to be effective in enhanceing the prosocial message if it is not accompained by discussion
    • acquisition of prosocial behaviour and norms
      • learning prosocial norms from the media has been found to be more difficult and is only normally done when accopanied by mediation by a trusted adult such as parent of teacher
      • studies of prosocial effects look at one short exposure to a prosocial model in genral the findings are that children are most affected when they are shown the exact steps for possitive behaviour
        • this may be because they can remeber concrete acts better than abstract ones
      • doesn't alway help to have post watching discussion as rubstein and sprafkin in a study of adolescents hospitalised for psychatric problems found that the discussion led to decreased levels of alterism
    • prosocial versus antisocial
      • mares found childrn were more likely to genralise after watching agressive acts than after watching prosocial on television meaning that they would change how they portrayed their agressive behaviour but would copy prosocial behaviour exactly
        • the lack of genralisation limits the overal effectiveness of prosocial messages in the media
      • lovelace and huston suggested the prosocial effects can be achieved by setting prosocial goals against anti social ones in the same program
        • mares and woodards meta analysis found that children who watched mixed messages behaved more agressively than children who watched agression only


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