- Created by: Eleanor
- Created on: 29-03-13 08:39
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- Apple
- Culture
- Innovation
- Distinctive
- Think Different
- Stragey
- Understanding the customers rather than analysing the market at present
- Stragey
- Leadership
- Steve Jobs
- Personal computer
- He is a transformational leader, meaning he is passionate and enthusiastic about what he does. He creates visions and injects energy and motivation into his team.
- His is an autocratic style...he always thinks what he do is right. He is an unassuming and down-to-earth leader who was not too bossy in his managerial style. He understood clearly the need for good PR.
- Saved Apple
- Tim cook
- "Tim's 13 years of service to Apple have been marked by outstanding performance, and he has demonstrated remarkable talent and sound judgment in everything he does."
- Reads customer emails and walks around stores
- Steve Jobs
- Stragey
- Understanding the customers rather than analysing the market at present
- Technical change
- 1976-1980 Assembled circuit board.
- 1984 First Macintosh
- The Macintosh Portable was introduced in 1989 but it weighted too much and they had a short decline where they struggled to properly target the customers
- 1998 - Imac
- 2005-7 Transfer to intel
- 2007 - introduction to IPOD touch and iphone the IPAD
- 2005-7 Transfer to intel
- 1998 - Imac
- The Macintosh Portable was introduced in 1989 but it weighted too much and they had a short decline where they struggled to properly target the customers
- 1984 First Macintosh
- 1976-1980 Assembled circuit board.
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Chinese government has intensified a co-ordinated public campaign against Apple, slamming the technology group as “dishonest”, “greedy” and “incomparably arrogant” and threatening regulatory action if the US company does not improve its after-sales service policies.
- Following several campaigns (for example, Green my Apple) Apple has made their products greener.
- Recently, the new notebook line removed many toxins and improved the products battery life and recharge cycles.
- Concerned about working conditions in china
- Culture
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