Acquisition of ownership
- Created by: Laura- May Nardella
- Created on: 20-03-14 14:05
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- Aquisition of ownership
- Original modes
- Civil
- Usucapio
- Longi temporis praescriptio
- 5 requirements
- Possessio
- Tempus
- Fides
- Iusa Causa
- Res habilis
- Longissimi temporis praescriptio
- Bonitary ownership
- Bona fide possessor
- Usucapio
- Natural
- Occupatio
- Res nullis
- res derilicta
- animus revertendi
- Confusio
- Co-ownership
- Accessio
- Immovable -> immovable
- alluvia
- isla nata
- immovable -> movable
- always accede to land
- vindicate for materials when house collapses
- no demolition
- XII Tables
- Movable -> movable
- scriptura
- textura
- pictura
- accession to principle thing
- exceptio doli
- Immovable -> immovable
- Commixtio
- Actio ad exhibendum
- No change in ownership
- Fruits
- natural fruits
- perceptio
- collection
- tenant's usufruct
- separatio
- bona fide possessor and emphytenta
- severance = transfer
- perceptio
- civil fruits
- delivery
- natural fruits
- Specificatio
- Proculian
- maker = owner
- Sabinian
- materials = owner
- Justinian
- If not reducable ... maker = owner
- Proculian
- Occupatio
- Civil
- Derivative modes
- Natural
- Traditio
- Intention
- evidenced by iusta causa
- putative causa allowed if ownership was to be transferred
- intent to pass ownership
- Delivery
- Physical possession
- Traditio longi manu
- Traditio brevi manu
- constitutum possessorium
- symbolic delivery
- Intention
- Traditio
- Civil
- Cessio in iure
- Praetor
- res mancipi & nec mancipi
- adoption, servitudes
- unconditional and immediate
- Mancipatio
- Change in ownership immediate and unconditional
- Fraud (dolus), duress (meta)
- No title to the bona fide possessor
- actio de modo agri
- actio auctoritatis
- Change in ownership immediate and unconditional
- Cessio in iure
- Natural
- Original modes
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