Bach St Matthews Passion - Arias
- Created by: Katie Price
- Created on: 25-04-16 19:24
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- 3 Arias
- Endure! Endure!
- Tenor Solo
- wide vocal range
- octave leaps
- taunting
- 7ths
- lying
- as well as step wise movement
- endure
- F to a high A in the same bar. 3 bars after C.
- scourge and rod, scurge and rod
- octave leaps
- extended melismas
- endure
- taunting
- avenging
- florid vocal line
- angular writing
- Taunting
- angular writing
- wide vocal range
- accompaniment
- highly decorated bass line
- viola da gamba
- dissonance with vocal part
- reflects text taunting
- Tenor Solo
- Come Healing cross
- Accompaniment
- Viola da gamba
- virtuosic part
- ornate part
- heavy instrumental line - weight of the cross
- Viola da gamba
- Bass Solo
- Sense of beauty and hope
- extended mellismas
- Saviour
- Burden
- Wide vocal range with wide intervals
- Lay on me its weight : Bar after B
- High Eb before D "Then help thou me"
- "O Lord to bear" Low Cs and Ds
- Accompaniment
- Have Mercy Lord
- Accompaniment
- Simple Bass line l
- Tonic Pedal
- 3 repeated quavrss 4 times in a bar
- decorated
- Trills
- demi-semi quaver runs
- Chramatic notes
- Simple Bass line l
- Alto Solo
- melisma's
- Mercy
- weeping
- Bitter
- long sustained notes
- Me
- eyes
- Tension created
- Dimminished 7ths
- Mercy
- in ascending sequence
- chramatisism
- final bitter weeping
- Dimminished 7ths
- melisma's
- Accompaniment
- Endure! Endure!
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