Arrest - PACE 1984
- Created by: Heidi~B
- Created on: 13-01-14 11:51
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- Arrest - PACE 1984
- Code G
- A persons involvement, suspected involvement or attempted involvement,
- Reasonable grounds for believing that the persons arrest is necessary.
- Tell the person who is suspected that you're arresting them and why, or it is unlawful.
- Lawful arrest - Taylor v Chief constable of Thames Valley Police (2004)
- Section 24
- Past actual - 24(3) A
- Future - 24 (1)
- Present - 24 (2)
- Past suspected - 24 (3) B
- Necessity test
- To enable the persons name and address to be ascertained.
- To prevent the person from:
- Causing physical injury to themsleves or any other person.
- Suffering physical injury.
- causing loss of or damage to property.
- commiting an offence against public decency.
- Cauing an unlawful obstruction of the highway.
- To prevent a child or other vunerable person.
- Types
- Arrest for breaching police bail (s.46 PACE)
- Arrest for breach of peace (s.46 CJPO-Common law)
- mcConnell v Chief Constable of the Greater Manchester Police.
- Arrest with a warrant
- S.1 Magistrates Court Act 1980
- Arrest by private citizens
- SOCPA 2005 - S.24 PACE
- Code G
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