Art and Design.
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?- Created by: EllsBells99
- Created on: 01-04-14 17:01
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- Art and Design.
- Materials
- Paper
- Cartridge paper
- Tissue paper
- Card
- Corrugated Card
- Pencils
- HB, 2H, 4H, B, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B, 6B.
- Charcoal
- Watercolours
- Paints
- Acrylic
- Oil
- Paints
- Paints
- Acrylic
- Oil
- Paper
- Software
- Photoshop
- Paint
- 2d design
- Photgraphs
- Nature
- Flowers
- Animals
- Portraits
- Family/Friends
- Landscapes
- Nature
- Flowers
- Animals
- Architecture
- Houses
- Man-made projects
- Nature
- Architecture
- Houses
- Man-made projects
- Nature
- Art types
- Landscapes
- Portraits
- Family/Friends
- Art movements
- Surrealism
- Surrealism is an art movement dedicated to what we see in dreams and using that as inspiration for their work. A famous surreal artist is Salvador Dali
- Happened around 1920-1930.
- Pop Art
- Happened from 1950-1960.
- Pop Art is a descendant of Dadaism in the way it mocks the established art world by taking images from the street, the supermarket, the mass media, and presenting it as art.
- Romantisism
- Romanticism was basically a reaction against Neoclassicism, it is a deeply-felt style which is individualistic, beautiful, exotic, and emotionally wrought.
- Happened around 1800-1880
- Cubism
- Happened 1908-1914
- The Cubist art movement began in Paris around 1907. Led by Picasso and Georges Braque, the Cubists broke from centuries of tradition in their painting by rejecting the single viewpoint. Instead they used a system in which 3D subjects were fragmented and redefined from several different points of view simultaneously.
- Abstract
- Wassily Kandinsky is a well known abstract artist as he used shape, color, line and texture in his work.
- The movement happened between the Renaissance period and the 19th century.
- Impressionism
- Impressionism marked a break from tradition in European painting. The Impressionists researched into the science of color to achieve a better representation of color and tone.
- Happened from 1867-1886
- Realism
- Realism is an art movement that focuses on portraying realistic views of things they paint. it happened around 1830-1870
- Surrealism
- Materials
- Paper
- Cartridge paper
- Tissue paper
- Card
- Corrugated Card
- Pencils
- HB, 2H, 4H, B, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B, 6B.
- Charcoal
- Watercolours
- Paper
- Landscapes
- Art movements
- Surrealism
- Surrealism is an art movement dedicated to what we see in dreams and using that as inspiration for their work. A famous surreal artist is Salvador Dali
- Happened around 1920-1930.
- Pop Art
- Happened from 1950-1960.
- Pop Art is a descendant of Dadaism in the way it mocks the established art world by taking images from the street, the supermarket, the mass media, and presenting it as art.
- Romantisism
- Romanticism was basically a reaction against Neoclassicism, it is a deeply-felt style which is individualistic, beautiful, exotic, and emotionally wrought.
- Happened around 1800-1880
- Cubism
- Happened 1908-1914
- The Cubist art movement began in Paris around 1907. Led by Picasso and Georges Braque, the Cubists broke from centuries of tradition in their painting by rejecting the single viewpoint. Instead they used a system in which 3D subjects were fragmented and redefined from several different points of view simultaneously.
- Abstract
- Wassily Kandinsky is a well known abstract artist as he used shape, color, line and texture in his work.
- The movement happened between the Renaissance period and the 19th century.
- Impressionism
- Impressionism marked a break from tradition in European painting. The Impressionists researched into the science of color to achieve a better representation of color and tone.
- Happened from 1867-1886
- Realism
- Realism is an art movement that focuses on portraying realistic views of things they paint. it happened around 1830-1870
- Surrealism
- Materials