AS Level Media Studies
- Created by: Deano98
- Created on: 26-04-16 10:39
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- AS Level Media Studies
- Representation
- Ethnicity/Race
- Tokenism
- White eye
- Alvarado' theory: Exotic, dangerous, pitied, humourous
- Pilkington: Improving representations
- Age
- Michael Brake: Delinquent, respectful, rebels, militant
- Darren Garrett: Teens are troublesome
- **** Hebdige: Skeptical, fearful
- Hegemonic norm/youth
- Old age: Grumpy, pitied, positive, 2nd childhood
- Gender
- Laura Mulvey
- Tania Modleski
- Bechdel
- Judith Butler: Gender performativity
- National/Regional
- Nostalgia: Britain as wealthy, modern
- Anderson: Media shares a vital role
- Ethnocentricity: culture superior to another
- Andrew Higson: Ideology of a Country
- Stereotypes
- Perkins: reality of stereotype
- Medhurst: entertainment for revenue
- Dyer: audiences with less power
- Gramsci: Maintain power Hegemony
- Consumerism: happier from consuming
- Issues/Events
- Political ideology
- Liberal – unbiased, objective perspectives, represent all minority
- Conservative/Right of middle – Uphold traditional values
- Socialist/Left-Wing - For workers and minorities, believe the rich benefit from the poor
- Nationalist/Right-Wing – Patriotic, highly supportive
- Naomi Wolff: beauty myth
- News values theory: Gatlung & Ruge
- Negativity, amplification, simplicity, predictability, Unexpectedness
- Body image: 'Perfect body'
- Political ideology
- Ethnicity/Race
- Audience
- Audience Consumption
- Katz & Bulmer Uses & Gratz
- Two-step flow
- Desensitisation & Catharsis
- Viewer's belief turns to violence, people release negative effects
- Hyperdermic needle
- Gerbner & Gross Effects Model
- More TV watched, more fear on society
- Stuart Hall Reception theory
- Negotiated
- Dominated
- Oppositional
- Maslow' Hierarchy of needs
- Self actualisation
- Self esteem
- Safety
- Love/belonging
- Physiological
- Audience Construction
- Young & Rubicam' 4C's
- Explorer
- Resigned
- Aspirer
- Explorer
- Stuart Hall Encoding/decoding
- Decoding: Consumers take in messages
- Encoding: Producers create texts
- Socio-economic groups
- A,B,C1,C2,D,E
- 4 Quadrants
- Over/Under 25s Men and Women
- Young & Rubicam' 4C's
- Audience Consumption
- Representation
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