Race, religion and gender american voting
- Created by: Sophie
- Created on: 15-01-13 12:31
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- Assess the significance of race, gender and religion as factors influencing US voting behaviour.
- Race
- The African - American vote fpr the democrats is never less than 83% and in 2008 it was 95%
- 95% of black men voted Obama
- Religion
- All presidents have had church affiliation.
- Catholics are usually Democratic but in 2004 52% voted Reoublican
- 2008 returned back to normal.
- Hispanic Catholic and Democratic but are hidden republicans as they agree with pro life and family traditions
- Jewish Democratic
- Gender
- Men are more likely to vote Republican
- Women are more likely to vote Democratic and are more likely to vote.
- In 2004 the Republicans put emphasis upon security moms and the in 2008 hockey moms.
- Women are more enviromentally aware and wanting regulations.
- Women are more likely to vote Democratic and are more likely to vote.
- The gender gap can be explained by abortion rights gun control the death penalty education health and welfare.
- Men are more likely to vote Republican
- Race
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