- Created by: Liv_Houston
- Created on: 18-01-18 18:28
View mindmap
- The Basis of Atheism
- Contradictory Teachings
- Loss of Faith
- The Burden of Proof
- Vardy
- Failure to provide Empirical Evidence
- Do Theists or Atheists have responsibility to provide evidence?
- Psychological Weakness
- Evil and Suffering
- False Beliefs about God
- Contradictory Teachings
- Strong Atheism/ Antitheism
- Explicit belief God does not exist - it's dangerous
- Scholars
- Dawkins
- Durkheim
- Weak Atheism
- SCEPTICISM about the God's existence
- Strong Atheism/ Antitheism
- Explicit belief God does not exist - it's dangerous
- The Basis of Atheism
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