Unit 3: Atmospheric Pollution - Smoke and Smog
- Created by: rosieevie
- Created on: 05-04-15 21:07
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- Atmospheric Pollution - Smoke and Smog
- Smoke Pollution
- Sources are burning vegetation and fossil fuels
- Increases the albedo of atmosphere - leads to climate cooling
- Smoke in stratosphere could deplete the ozone layer
- Carcinogenic and kills cilia, leading to infection risk
- May act synergistically with pollutants such as sulphur dioxide
- Landing on plants reduces photosynthesis and landing on buildings makes them dirty
- Smoke Smogs
- Caused by interaction of smoke and fog
- Temperature inversions make fog more likely to form
- Valleys shelter areas from winds
- Clear skies cause more heat losses
- Mist reflects sunlight
- Low wind speeds reduce mixing of air layers
- Photochemical Smog
- Photochemical reactions of vehicle exhaust emissions during sunny conditions
- NO + O3 + UV --> PANs
- PANs are toxic to humans, causing eye and lung infections, and plants
- Smoke Pollution
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