- Created by: venusaderele
- Created on: 14-04-18 08:46
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- Caregiver-infant interactions in humans
- reciprocity
- Jaffe et al
- conversation
- Serrano et al
- smiling
- elict
- Jaffe et al
- interactional synchrony
- Meltzoff + Moore
- 1/3
- AO3
- fine detail
- 2- 3 weeks
- direct response
- Meltzoff + Moore
- reciprocity
- Stages of
attachment identified by Schaffer
- pre
- asocial
- indiscriminate
- mutliple
- specific
- Schaffer + Emerson
- 30%
- 10 months vs 18 months
- 60 infants
- 1st 18 months
- own homes
- Multiple attachments
- 30%
- the role of the father
- outdated sexist view
- Maccallum + Golombok
- children w/o not different
- Field
- PCG fathers
- Grossman
- adolescent
- Animal studies of attachment
- Lorenz
- Greylag geese
- AO3
- diffeent attahcment systems
- extrapolation
- incubator vs mother
- sexual imprinting
- Harlow
- Rhesus monkeys
- AO3
- theoretical value
- ethical issues
- maternally deprived
- contact comfort > feeding
- two wire mtoehrs
- Lorenz
- Explanations of attachment
- learning theory
- classical conditioning
- food is UCS/ mother is CS
- social learning theory
- siblings being rewarded for behaviours
- AO3
- counter evidence
- human resrearch
- animal research
- simplistic
- plausible
- counter evidence
- classical conditioning
- Bowlby’s monotropic theory
- critical period
- approx 2 yrs
- internal working model
- continuity hypothesis
- sensitive period
- social releasers
- survival
- critical period
- learning theory
- Ainsworth’s ‘Strange Situation’
- Types of attachment
- secure
- moderate anxiety
- willing to explore
- joy upon reunion
- insecure-avoidant
- little response upon reunion
- low stranger/ seperation anxiety
- insecure-resistant
- high stranger/ separation anxiety
- low willingness
- due to responsiveness of PCG
- Kagan: temperament
- secure
- original
- 100 m/c American infants + mothers
- found different types
- Types of attachment
- secure
- moderate anxiety
- willing to explore
- joy upon reunion
- insecure-avoidant
- little response upon reunion
- low stranger/ seperation anxiety
- insecure-resistant
- high stranger/ separation anxiety
- low willingness
- due to responsiveness of PCG
- Kagan: temperament
- secure
- Types of attachment
- 7, 3 minute episodes
- AO3
- controlled observation
- culturally relative
- crude
- tested anxiety + exploration
- Types of attachment
- Cultural variations in attachment
- Van Ijzendoorn
- Germany
- Israel and Japan
- China vs GB
- 1.5 X
- AO3
- large sample
- method
- best
- Grossman et al
- Germany
- independence > indifference
- Germany
- Van Ijzendoorn
- Bowlby’s theory of maternal deprivation
- 14/ 44
- 12/14
- interviewed families + individuals
- affectionless psychopathy
- delinquency
- irreversible
- AO3
- confused
- overemphasis
- 14/ 44
- Romanian orphan studies: effects of institutionalisation
- Rutter: ERA
- adopted by British fmailies
- AO3
- field experiments lack control
- Zeanah
- random assignment
- Zeanah
- real world
- longitudinal
- field experiments lack control
- mental retardation
- Krepper
- pretend play
- Zeanah
- disorganised attachment
- Rutter: ERA
- The influence of early attachment on childhood and adult relationships
- the role of an internal working model
- Hazan + Shaver
- love quiz
- secure
- Wilson + Smith
- bullying
- 7-11 yrs
- different types
- AO3
- Zimmerman
- doesnt support
- 'set'
- Zimmerman
- Caregiver-infant interactions in humans
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