Attachment mindmap
- Created by: janj123
- Created on: 24-05-18 10:12
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- Attachment
- Caregiver-infant interactions
- Reciprocity
- Interactional synchrony
- Attachment figures
- The role of father
- Parent-infant attachment
- Schaffer and Emerson: Study of Attachment
- Method: 60 babies Glasgow longitudinal. The mothers were asked questions about the kind of protests the babies showed when separated (separation anxiety) and their response to unfamiliar adults (stranger anxiety).
- Schaffer's stages of attachment
- Stage 3: Specific attachment. around 7-9m. shows stranger anxiety and separation anxiety when separated from one familiar adult
- stage 2: Indiscriminate attachment 2-7m. The baby shows preference for people rather than objects. they prefer familiar adults but still accept care from anyone
- Stage 4. Multiple attachments. 9m+. they become increasingly independent and form secondary attachments
- stage 1: Asocial stage. first few weeks. The baby responds the same way to humans and objects
- Animal studies of attachment
- Lorenz;s research
- Harlow's research
- Explanations of attachment
- Learning Theory
- Bowlby's monotropic theory. Adaptive, Social releasers, Critical period, Monotropy, Internal working model
- The Strange Situation
- Procedure
- Findings
- cultural variation in attachment
- key study: Van Ijendoorn
- Theory of maternal deprivation
- Bowlby's 44 thieves study
- Romanian orphan studies: Effects of Institutionalisation
- Michael Rutter
- Attachment and later relationships
- Caregiver-infant interactions
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