Attachment - basics
- Created by: Kelly
- Created on: 10-11-12 17:13
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- Attachment
- What is attachment?
- It is a warm/intimate reciprocal bond between two individuals which tie them together.
- It is a two way process that endures over time.
- Primary attachment figure
- The person who has formed the closes bond with a child, demonstrated by the intentesity
- This is usually a child's biological mother, but other people can
- Primary attachment figure
- It leads to certain behaviours such as clinging and proximity-seeking.
- Behaviours associated with attachments
- Distress on separation
- General orientation towards the care giver
- Joy on reunion
- Behaviours associated with attachments
- It serves the function of protecting an infant.
- Behaviours associated with attachments
- Distress on separation
- General orientation towards the care giver
- Joy on reunion
- Primary attachment figure
- The person who has formed the closes bond with a child, demonstrated by the intentesity
- This is usually a child's biological mother, but other people can
- Attachment theories
- Bowlby's attachment theory - Evolutionary theory
- Learning theory of attachment
- Operant conditioning
- Classical conditioning
- What is attachment?
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