attachment types
- Created by: dominique_jlsxx
- Created on: 28-04-15 20:24
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- Attachment types
- The strange situation
- Mary ainsworth developed it to investigate the nature of attachment
- the aim was to see how infants coped under conditions of mild stress
- separation anxiety, stranger anxiety and reunion behaviour
- combined all the data from several studies and found 3 attachment types
- Secure= 66% insecure-avoidant= 22% and insecure-resistant=12%
- Secure
- distressed when mother leaves, avoidant of stranger, uses mum as safe base
- Insecure aviodant
- no distress when mum leaves, plays normal with stranger around and both can comfort equally
- Insecure resistant
- Intense distress when mother leaves, avoids and shows fear stranger and cries and doesn't explore
- Cultural variations: Van Izjendoorn and Kroonenberg
- Meta analysis of 32 studies of strange situation, 2000 children.
- Secure highest in all
- Insecure avoidant highest in Germany (individualist) 35.3%
- Insecure resistant highest in Japan (collectivist)
- The strange situation
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