Augustine Theology OCR
- Created by: SerenM
- Created on: 11-01-18 10:42
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- Augustine
- Gods grace
- in order to be reconciled with god we need his grace
- only gods generous love can overcome sin and the rebellious will to achieve the greatest good (summum bonum)
- it is ...
- the love and mercy of god
- a moral guide
- in order to be reconciled with god we need his grace
- The Fall
- Human Nature
- 2) They are 'fallen' in nature
- 1) People are created by God
- 3) They can be redeemed
- based on the literal truth of the story of genesis
- we have dominion + stewardship
- 'be stewards of the earth, be fruitful and multiply'
- before fall
- concordia = no lust, perfect world - friendship
- after fall
- all have original sin bc born from the loins of Adam
- Human Nature
- Original Sin
- born of the loins of adam
- bc of original sin we require political authority
- Context
- 2) The Manichees
- role model = jesus
- people have 2 souls; 1 evil 1 good
- Augustine was a manichee missionary
- 3) Plotinus
- similar to plato
- he believed there was only the form of the good
- from plotinus' work augustine decided evil isnt a substance
- 4) Christianity
- went to church and studied bible
- listened to St Ambrose speak and converted to christianity
- came to conclusion that we require the grace of god to find the truth
- listened to St Ambrose speak and converted to christianity
- went to church and studied bible
- 1) Philosophical pluralism
- lived in a society where many religions were accepted
- religious freedom
- free speech
- 2) The Manichees
- Gods grace
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