Austria and Prussa 1849-66
- Created by: Helena
- Created on: 04-05-13 20:32
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- Austria and Prussa 1849-66
- Position of Austria after 1848
- Economic and Financial Problems
- Tried to introduce better customs
- Zollunion Between Austria and the zollverein
- Alternative union to include those German states outside Zollverein
- Crimean War
- Crippled the economy by keeping large armies mobilised
- Depression swept over Europe in late 1950s
- Tried to introduce better customs
- Hungarian Uprisings
- Reignition of the Diet
- May 1850
- Reaction to the Prussian Union Plan
- Grossdeutschland to be governed by larger German states
- Attracted interest of lager states who thought they'd get more power
- Economic and Financial Problems
- Position of Prussia after 1848
- The Prussian Union Plan
- Frederick William and General Radowitz
- German Federal Reich (excluding Austria)
- There would be a permanent 'union' between the Reich and the Hapsburg Empire
- Austrian Chief Minister not happy
- 'Three King Alliance' between Prussia, Saxony and Hanover
- Erfurt March 1850
- 28 states agreed to a Prussian-dominated Erfurt Union
- Several important states were fearful of Austria and so declined to join
- Economic succes
- Boom in industrial production
- More railway building
- Foreign trade more then doubled
- Factors helping
- Good education system
- Plentiful suppy of coal, iron and chemicals
- Good communication
- Zollverein
- Boom in industrial production
- Manteuffel's reformations
- Countryside
- Peasants freed from obligations to landlords
- low-interest loans allowed peasants to buy land
- financial aid to move peasants from overcrowded areas to less populated
- Towns
- Minimum wage
- Financial help to industries
- Inspectors in factories
- Industrial courts settled disputes
- Countryside
- Remained on good terms with other European powers
- Especially Russia
- generally neutral
- William I replaced the insane Frederick William IV
- Reformation of Army
- General Roon
- 1860 bill to reform
- Double the size
- Increase military service to 3 years
- Reduce role played by the Landwehr (old middle class)
- re-equip troops
- Led to Constitutional crisis 1860-2
- Liberals were against increasing army budget
- Solved when Bismarck was appointed Chief-Minister
- Turned round and took the money out of taxation
- The Prussian Union Plan
- Position of Austria after 1848
- German Federal Reich (excluding Austria)
- Capitulation of Olmutz
- Erfurt March 1850
- 28 states agreed to a Prussian-dominated Erfurt Union
- Several important states were fearful of Austria and so declined to join
- Reignition of the Diet
- May 1850
- Reaction to the Prussian Union Plan
- Grossdeutschland to be governed by larger German states
- Attracted interest of lager states who thought they'd get more power
- 29th November 1850
- Manteuffel and Schwarzenberg agreed to abandon the Prussian Union Plan
- It was also agreed a conference at Dresden in 1851
- Austria wanted Germany included in the Habsburg Empire
- Prussia had little power but with large public support aimed to achieve a Germany of Pre-1848
- Prussians blames Austria for the humiliation
- Wanted united Germany under Prussia
- Erfurt March 1850
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