- Created by: louisemeller
- Created on: 13-11-15 13:45
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- Autocracy
- Nicholas II
- 1894-1917
- October Manifesto 1905 + Duma= move towards democracy?
- Severe autocratic rule
- Impact of reforms cushioned by fundamental laws of 1906
- 3 aspects to Russian autocracy
- Tsars believed they were only accountable to God
- Also believed God placed them on Earth to set moral standards
- Autocracy seen as practical
- Liberal democracy would have led to too many people wanting things
- Alexander III
- More intense autocratic rule
- 'the reaction' against father's reforms
- Willing to reform if it benefitted Russia as a whole
- Governed by autocracy from 1855-1917
- Alexander II
- Stuck closely to autocratic principles after assassination attempt
- 1861 Emancipation Edict
- Willing reformer but only to preserve autocracy
- Nicholas II
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