- Created by: Lizz2002
- Created on: 11-10-20 11:19
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- Autocracy
- Aspects of Russian Autocracy
- Divine Right of Tsars
- They believed they were accountable to God and not the people so there was no need for democratic elections
- Their job to set moral standards and protect people
- Practicality
- With Russia being so large, diverse, and mostly made of peasants, autocracy was seen as practical to ruling the empire
- Divine Right of Tsars
- Repression and Reform
- Nicolas I (1825 - 55)
- "Orthodoxy, Autocracy, and Nationality"
- Fundamental laws of 1832: The emperor of all the Russians is an autocratic and unlimited monarch
- Alexander II (1855-81)
- Willing reformer but stuck close to autocratic principles
- Backtrack after 1866 assassination attempt
- For example, compensated serf owners to retain respect
- Willing reformer but stuck close to autocratic principles
- Alexander III (1881 - 94)
- Reactionary rule - rolled back many of his father's reforms
- Continued economic improvements with Witte to improve the country as a whole
- Strong russification policy
- Nicolas II (1894-1917)
- continued severe autocratic rule
- October Manifesto and the Duma in 1905 seemed like a step towards democracy
- Fundemental laws of 1906 retained autocracy
- Nicolas I (1825 - 55)
- Aspects of Russian Autocracy
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