Ayn Rand
- Created by: rubylysandrou
- Created on: 26-03-24 16:22
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- Ayn Rand
- New right
- Human nature
- we are guided by self-interest
- we have a duty to put our interests first
- Society
- atomistic- sum of total individuals
- any attempts to restrict individuals in the name of society should be restricted
- Under totalitarian rule, the word“I” is banned and replaced by“we.”
- The state
- should be confined itself to law, order and national security
- Attempts at ‘positive liberty’ via further state intervention should be rejected.
- Reason was the key to individual freedom, which should not be restricted by the state
- Economy
- self-proclaimed 'radical for capitalism'
- shared view with Friedrich Von Hayek
- unregulated free market as the only true barrier against the tyranny of the state
- guarantees individual freedom
- unregulated free market as the only true barrier against the tyranny of the state
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