Unit one B
- Created by: briaferne1
- Created on: 26-09-16 10:09
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- Unit one- B
- Consumtion
- Individual consummation
- socail Media
- games
- Films
- Reading
- Private
- Individuality
- control
- convenient
- Group consumption
- Cinema
- online gaming
- Compertition
- radio
- Social networking
- Social interaction
- Belonging
- Individual consummation
- Audience theory
- Passive audience
- blindly accept what we are told
- Hypodermic needle theory
- Audience, passively, has information injected into them
- news
- Propaganda
- violence in video games
- Disadvantages
- views the individual as a sponge
- Does not encourage opinions or individuality
- Behaviour changes by things in the media (negative stereotypes)
- Active audience
- Choice in the media we consume
- Change or interact with the media
- Uses and Gratifications theory
- social interaction
- Friendship
- Diversion
- forget about every day routine
- Personal identity
- Find out things about yourself from what you like
- Information
- How detectives work
- About actors/ characters
- News
- social interaction
- Advantages
- Passive audience
- Consumtion
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