- Created by: charlotte66
- Created on: 14-02-17 18:32
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- B1 Checklist
- B1.4 - adaptation for survival
- B1.4.1 - Adapt and survive
- B1.4.2- adaption in animal
- B1.4.4 - Competition in animals
- B1.4.8 - mpact of change
- B1.4.3 - Adaption in plants
- B1.4.5 - Competition in plants
- B1.4.7 - Measuring environmental change
- B1.4.6 - Survival
- B1.7 - evolution
- B1.7.3 - Natural selection
- B1.7.1- Theories of evolution
- B1.7.4 - Classification of evolution
- B1.7.2 - Darwins ideas
- B1.3 - Medicine and drugs
- B1.3.3 - Drugs
- B1.3.1 - Developing new medicines
- B1.3.4 - Legal and illegal drugs
- B1.3.2 - How effective are drugs
- B1.3.6 - Drugs in sport
- B1,3,5 - Cannabis and drugs
- B1.1 - Keeping healthy
- B1.1.2 - Weight problem
- B1.1.3 - Inheritance, exercise and health
- B1.1.6 - Drugs to treat disease
- B1.1.7 - Grawing and investigating bacteria
- B1.1.1 - Diet and exerise
- B1.1.8 - changing pathogens
- B1.1.10 - dealing with disease
- B1.1.5 - Defence mechanisms
- B1.1.9 - Immunity
- B1.1.4 - Pathogens and disease
- B1.5 - energy in biomass
- B1.5.3 - The decay process
- B1.5.2 - Energy transfer
- B1.5.4 - The carbon cycle
- B1.5.5 - Recycling organic waste
- B1.5.1 - Biomass pyramids
- B1.6 - variation, reproduction and new technology
- B1.6.4 - Cloning
- B1.6.3 - genetic and environmental differences
- B1.6.2 - Types of reproduction
- B1.6.5 - Adult cell cloning
- B1.6.1 - Inheritance
- B1.6.6 - Genetic genineering
- B1.6.7 - Making choices about technology
- B1.2 -Coordination and control
- B1.2.4 - artificial control of fertility
- B1.2.1 - Responding to change
- B1.2.7 - Using hormones
- B1.2.2 - Reflex actions
- B1.2.6 - Hormones and control of plant growth
- B1.2.3 - Hormones and menstrual cycle
- B1.2.5 - controlling conditions
- B1.4 - adaptation for survival
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