B1 continued
- Created by: lisa
- Created on: 18-12-12 16:41
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- B1 You and your Genes
- Huntington's Disorder
- Symptoms: Forgetful-difficulty understanding things. Twitching of the muscles
- Unable to control movements and eventually a fatal condition
- Example: H=Dominant allele for huntingtons disorder. h= recessive allele (non-huntingtons)
- if you have Hh you will get the disorder because you only need one dominant allele hh you wont
- Cystic Fibross
- Its an inherited illness-Symptoms:affects breathing& digestion
- 1 in 15 people in the UK carries the faulty recessive allele
- FF= means you have the illness-Ff illness- ff no illness
- Genetic testing of adults is when an individual is tested for the presence of a particular allele that may cause a genetic disorder
- Genetic testing of foetuses is a couple may decide to have a genetic test during pregancy if they know there may be a risk of passing on a serious genetic diorder to their children
- Genetic testing of embryos is a couple may want to use pre-implantation genetic disagnosis(PGD) to avoid passing on a serious genetic disorder.
- Genetic screening is when a whole population is tested for a particular allele
- Huntington's Disorder
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