B2: Keeping healthy
- Created by: Marley44
- Created on: 05-05-15 20:05
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- B2: Keeping healthy
- Keywords
- Pathogen
- General term for harmful microbes
- Immunity
- Defenses against that particular disease
- Antibodies
- Markers produced by some white blood cells to tag invaders
- Engulf and Digest
- Toxins
- Vaccine
- A weak or dead form of a disease; not enough to make you ill, but enough to get your immune system to make antibodies against it.
- An Artery
- Carries blood away from the heart
- A vein
- Carries blood towards the heart.
- Pathogen
- The blood carries oxygen, carbon dioxide and other substances.
- The heart pumps blood around the body.
- Arteries have thicker walls. Capillaries have very small internal diameter and very thin walls.
- Coronary arteries supply the heart muscle with blood
- The kidneys control the amunt of water and ions lost in the urine
- The hypothalamus is the more regulatory centre of the brain
- Keywords
- Blood sugar
- Provides cells with a supply of energy
- Carbon Dioxide
- Is removed by the lungs
- The skin
- Is an effector for controlling the amount of heat lost by the body
- Sweating
- HyPOthermia
- Is when the core temperature of the body falls too much
- HyPERthermia
- Is when the core body temperature rises too much
- Blood sugar
- Keywords
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