- Created by: Noshinxoxo
- Created on: 30-11-15 10:21
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- Kalaam
- Khabr
- Asl Usage
- JF
- Coined for the benefit of a new occurrence in a specific time duration whilst being concise
- ??? ????? - Meaning of continuity/ perpetuality due to some proof
- Coined for the benefit of a new occurrence in a specific time duration whilst being concise
- JI
- Establishes the predicate for the subject
- Sometimes gives the benefit of continuity due to context
- Establishes the predicate for the subject
- JF
- Secondary Usages
- Istirhaam - seeking mercy
- Izhaar-Dhu'f - expressing weakness
- Izhaar- Tahassur- expressing a wish/regret
- Izhaar fariha bi-maqbil wa Shamaatata bi Madbir- expressing approaching happiness and victory over avoided bad
- izhaar suroor- expressing general happiness
- tawbeykh lila'thir - scolding one who makes a mistake
- Primary purpose
- 1.Faaida-tul-Khabr- To pass on info to the audience
- 2. Laazimul-faaidatul-khabr- To inform the audience of the speakers knowledge
- There are 3 levels of expression according to the mindset of the speaker when the speaker intends his speech to benefit the listener with no extra info
- Khabr-e-ibtidaaiyah - Speaker is KHAALI-ul-ZEHN = Khabr is FREE from takeed
- Khabar-e-Talabiyya- Listner is in doubt MUTARADDADAN and seeking to understand TAALIBAN = Khabr should CONTAIN takeed
- Khabar-e-Inkaariya- Listener is in denail MUNKIRANN = waajib to ADD takeed, the more the denial the more the emphasis
- Asl Usage
- Inshaa
- Talabi -that which is requested as a need (or wish) [but is] not present at the time of the request.
- 1. Amr
- Asl purpose - Talab-ul-fi'l biwajhi-l-isti'laai
- 4 forms
- 1. Amr
- 2. Mudhari' Maqroon Bilaam
- 3. Ism f'il Amr
- 4. Masdar Qaaim Maqaam fi-l amr
- 4 forms
- Secondary Purposes
- 1.Duaa
- 2. Iltimaas (request)
- 3. Tamanni (wish)
- 4.Irshaad (to guide)
- 5.Tahdeed (admonish)
- 6. Ta'jeez (helpless)
- 7. Ihaana (disgrace)
- 8. ibaahat (permissibility)
- 9. Imtinaan (indicate blessing)
- 10. Takhyiyr (choice)
- 11.Taswiyya (To show two things are equal)
- 12. Ikraam (show respect)
- Asl purpose - Talab-ul-fi'l biwajhi-l-isti'laai
- 2. Nahi
- Asl usage - Seeking the stopping of an action as a way of superiority
- 1 form - Mudhaari' ma'a Laam-e-Nahi
- Secondary Usages
- 1. Duaa
- 2. Iltimaas (request)
- 3. Tamanni
- 4. Tahdeed (scold)
- Asl usage - Seeking the stopping of an action as a way of superiority
- 3. Istifhaam
- Asl usage - Seeking the knowledge of something
- Done using 11 letters
- 1. Hamza
- IDRAAK-E-MUFRAD (specifies one of 2 objects) uses AMM MUTTASIL
- When both options equally known, can come with Mu'aadal (word after AM)
- IDRAAK-E-MUFRAD (specifies one of 2 objects) uses AMM MUTTASIL
- IDRAAK-E-NISBAT (specifies relationship) uses Amm MUNQATI in meaning of BAL
- 2. Hal
- trying to establish a CONNECTION
- Tryingto establish EXTISTENCE of a thing in itself
- 3. Maa
- SHARHUL-ISM (definition)
- 4. Man
- Seek specification of INTELLIGIBLE BEINGS
- 5. Mataa
- Seek specification of FUTURE + PAST TIMES
- 6. Ayyaana
- 7. Kayfa
- Specify ONES STATE
- 8. Ayna
- Specify a PLACE
- 9. Anna
- with fi'l after it - in meaning of KAYFA. without = in meaning of MIN AYNA
- 10. Kam
- seeking specification of UNKNOWN NUMBER
- 11. Ayyun
- To distinguish 1 of 2 groups in a matter that includes both
- 1. Hamza
- Done using 11 letters
- Secondary Usages
- 1. Taswiyya (equality)
- 2. Nafi (negation)
- 3. Inkaar (deny/refute)
- 4.Amr
- 5. Nahi
- 6.Tashweeq (motivate)
- 7. Ta'zeem (respect)
- 8. Tahqeer (to let someone down)
- 9. tahakkum (to ridicule)
- 10. Ta'ajjub
- 11.Tanbeeh Ala dhalaal
- 12. Wa'eed (warning)
- Asl usage - Seeking the knowledge of something
- 4. Tamanni
- Asl Usage - seeking something you desire with no hope of attainment either because its impossible or highly improbable
- 4 tools
- Layta
- Hal
- Law
- Use of these tools gives NASAB to MUDHARI in JAWAAB
- Layta
- Use of these tools gives NASAB to MUDHARI in JAWAAB
- La'alla
- 5. Nidaa
- Asal usage - seeking attention with a Hurf thats qaaim maqaam of AD'U'OO
- Ba'eed huroof can be used to call people who are physically close
- 1. Because theyre of higher status
- 2. They're of lower status
- 3. Out of inattentiveness from the listeners part.
- Ba'eed huroof can be used to call people who are physically close
- Secondary usages
- Ighraa (motivate)
- Zajr (warn/scold)
- Tahayyur (surprise) Tadhajjur (restlessness)
- Tahassur (regret) Tawajju' (pain/agony)
- Tazakkur (cherish memories)
- Asal usage - seeking attention with a Hurf thats qaaim maqaam of AD'U'OO
- 1. Amr
- Ghayr Talabi - not seeking anything
- Ta'ajjub/Qasm/U'qood
- Talabi -that which is requested as a need (or wish) [but is] not present at the time of the request.
- Khabr
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