Background and foundations of US foreign policy
- Created by: laurafoord97
- Created on: 23-02-14 12:36
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- Background and foundations of US foreign policy
- Containment
- US power should be used to contain and 'roll back' communism where possible
- ''The long telegram''
- Written by Kennan
- Gives his view about the Soviets and what the US policy should be towards them
- One of the most influential underpinnings for America's cold war policy of containment
- Written by Kennan
- NSC 68, 1950
- Bipolar- USSR aiming for world domination, spending more on the army than the US
- 1949, USSR create first atomic bomb- USA lose atomic monopoly
- USA should increase military spending and develop hydrogen bomb to regain initiative in arms race
- USA should engage in limited wars to resist communism
- USSR must be handled forcefully
- Bipolar- USSR aiming for world domination, spending more on the army than the US
- The Truman Doctrine, 1947
- US could no longer stand by and allow the forcible expansion of Soviet totalitarianism into free independent states
- US was compelled to assist ''free peoples'' in their struggles against ''totalitarian regimes''
- National Security council
- to advise the president in the new context of the cold war
- growing amount of experts and analysts that produced a series of influential policy statements
- Containment
- The Truman Doctrine, 1947
- US could no longer stand by and allow the forcible expansion of Soviet totalitarianism into free independent states
- US was compelled to assist ''free peoples'' in their struggles against ''totalitarian regimes''
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