Backlash against Alexander II's reforms
- Created by: xmeganbakerx
- Created on: 06-03-19 15:47
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- Backlash against Alexander II's reforms
- The new opportunities are more liberal seeming Russia raised hopes that were not met.
- Peasants were angry at their redemption dues and thus the 'Tsar Liberator' image created by emancipation was refuted by many.
- In 1863 the Polish attempted to revolt against Russian rule in the hope that Alexander's liberalism would allow them greater autonomy.
- A brutal year-long repression occurred.
- Relaxation of censorship and more liberal ideas in education systems created ideological opposition to tsarism that led to revolutionary ideas.
- Some were strong enough to launch a failed assassination attempt on the tsar in 1866.
- This assassination attempt led to a retreat from reformism to try and handle the growing revolutionary threat.
- Alexander reimposed censorship and replaced his reforming ministers with conservative ones.
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