4.3.8 - Management Information Systems - Bad Features
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?- Created by: Annie
- Created on: 07-05-13 13:48
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- Bad Management Information System (Features)
- Lack of management involvement in intial design
- This can lead to ICT professionals taking the lead in developing the product, which can mean that it doesn't fully meet the particular needs of the business
- Poor communications between professionals
- Poor communications lead to poor results
- Inadequate Initial Analysis
- The first stages of analysis are done poorly, so the potential need for more detailed analysis is missed
- This can happen if the initial requirements for the system were poorly specified or poorly implemented
- Lack of management knowledge about computer systems and their capabilities
- This can lead to an overly simplisitc system that doesn't enable managers to dig into data and analyse the data in greater depth
- Needs managers and ICT professionals to be able to work together
- Ideally on an ongoing basis to ensure the latest analysis tools are available
- Inappropriate hardware and software
- This typically refers to a poor speed for the MIS
- If it runs too slowly, it won't be readily usable for processing or for producing printed clear output
- This typically refers to a poor speed for the MIS
- Lack of professional standards
- Referring to the British Computer Society (BCS) Standards
- Avoiding bias and self interest whilst developing systems so the client gets a system which best meets their needs
- A lack of standards may see ICT professionals attempting to complete jobs for which they have insufficient experience
- The BCS Standards should stop or reduce this likelihood
- Referring to the British Computer Society (BCS) Standards
- Complexity of the System
- Balance needs to be achieved between ease of use and the potential for more details analysis
- Without the intial "ease of use", it is unlikely that the managers will use it and then become inclined to be more demanding of it
- Lack of management involvement in intial design
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