Bandura pt1
- Created by: HarrietTammadge
- Created on: 13-11-18 16:10
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- Bandura et al (1961)
- Background
- People thought aggression could be inhibited through observation of aggression
- Hypotheses
- Observation of aggressive model would reproduce aggressive acts.
- Opposite for non-aggressive role models
- Children would immitate same-sex models more
- Boys would show more aggression than girls
- Observation of aggressive model would reproduce aggressive acts.
- Participants
- 72 children
- Stanford Uni
- 37-69 months mean age of 52 months
- 36 boys 36 girls
- Experimental Design
- Matched pairs, independent measures
- Lab Exp
- 8 experimental conditions and 1 control
- Children matched in 3s on their mean aggression rating (MAR)
- MAR based on physical + verbal aggression, aggression to inanimate objects and aggression inhibition
- Procedure
- Stage 1:
- Aggressive: Model played nicely for 1 min then started aggressively hitting the bobo doll with mallet
- Non-aggressive: Model played peacefully for the total time
- Stage 2
- Aggression Arousal: Children taken to room with high quality toys (fire engine, pushchairs...) but were told these toys were saved for other children.
- This allowed for any aggression obtained from stage 1 to be shown.
- Aggression Arousal: Children taken to room with high quality toys (fire engine, pushchairs...) but were told these toys were saved for other children.
- Stage 3
- Room contained same toys as first room. children left to play for 20 mins and observed every 5 seconds.
- Stage 1:
- Background
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