bandura pt 2
- Created by: HarrietTammadge
- Created on: 13-11-18 16:31
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- Bandura et al 1961 pt 2
- Measures of imitation
- Imitation of psychical aggression
- Imitation of verbal aggression
- Measures of partial imitation
- Non-imitative aggression
- Non-aggressive measures
- Results
- Children witnessing aggression showed more imitation of physical (60 compared to 4) and verbal aggression
- Children witnessing aggression sowed more partial and non-imitative physical (82 compared to 57) and verbal aggression
- Children who saw same-sex model imitated more behaviour
- Boys more aggressive than girls overall
- Conclusions
- Supports Social Learning Theory
- Model doesn't have to be present for behaviour to be replicated
- Males more influential than females
- More likely to learn verbal aggression from same sex model
- Measures of imitation
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