Barriers to Change
- Created by: tanja soulsby
- Created on: 06-06-17 16:48
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- Barriers to Change
- Resistance the most common barrier
- Organisational Structure
- Some structures can make it hard to manage change
- If business has tall structure it can be difficult to communicate the change andreasons for it to lower layers
- Resources
- Businesses need to have correct resources before making a change
- Shouldn't get new machinery if they don't have someone to operate it etc.
- Poor Management
- When managers can't communicate effectively and engage workers
- Usually results in lack of trust between manager and workers
- Passive resistance
- When people carry on with the old ways despite being aware of the new needs and processes
- Most common in employees and suppliers
- Active resistance
- When people argue against the change and challenge the motives for it
- Workers can organise themselves through trade union and refuse to carry out tasks
- Customers can show it by refusing to make further purchases from the company
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