Barrier to the care worker
- Created by: Nicole_Elece99
- Created on: 12-05-17 13:40
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- Barriers to the care workers
- Stress and physical strain
- Policies and code of practice there to protect you from physical and mental stress. Making sure you don’t injure yourself and don’t suffer any mental distress.
- Ethical Dilemmas
- Policies and procedures are there to be followed. Don’t let personal opinions get the better of your judgement. Think about what’s best for the client- not you.
- Preoccupation of own needs
- Work life balance- What ever happens at home, leave it at home and the same goes for work.
- Lack of skill
- Ask for training and work towards an appraisal- always consider your professional development
- Conformity to workplace norms
- Don’t follow the staff if you know it’s wrong, training, policies and support within the workplace would aid this barrier.
- Lack of motivation
- Code of practice and effective policies, be professional not let your ‘mood’ mean you’re not doing your best.
- Attitude and prejudice – discrimination, stereotyping, labelling
- Clear policies, acts to protect against prejudice. Training, being professional and not judge- don’t judge a book by its cover!!
- Stress and physical strain
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