Battle for the Biosphere
- Created by: joshua millyard
- Created on: 31-05-13 11:04
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- Battle for the Biosphere
- Biomes and their distribution
- What is a biome?
- Large scale ecosystem
- How are they distributed?
- Tropical rainforest rich environment
- desert found in tropics
- temperate deciduous Forest found high altitudes
- taiga (coniferous forest)
- Biomes vary plant animals different processes the same
- What is a biome?
- The influence of climate, altitude and soils on biomes
- particular plants animals associated biomes cos variation
- Temperature
- Rainfall
- Altitude
- Geology and soils
- If there is enough rainfall we find:
- Tropical rainforest
- Temperature deciduous forest
- Taiga
- Tundra
- How much falls when it falls controls whether biome will be:
- Temperature rainforest
- Grassland or desert
- Altitude considered local factor cos controls both temp and rainfall
- particular plants animals associated biomes cos variation
- Biosphere service
- regulation of climate
- regulation of atmosphere gas
- water regulation
- water purification
- soil formation and development
- spiritual and religious effects
- recreation and ecotourism
- The carbon cycle
- plants absorb Co2
- plants use water growth transpire back atmosphere
- vegetation regulates temperature
- Goods from the biosphere
- Food
- few ppl depend directly on biosphere today
- all we eat origin natural world
- Medicine
- if continue destroy plants animals species losing potential cure diseases
- Quinine example of 'natural' medicine
- Raw materials
- face issues meeting energy needs in future
- water supply threatened in global regions
- Food
- Destroying the biosphere
- Tar sands in Canada
- forest must destroyed to get
- Mountain-top removal in USA
- Rivers water table degraded, as well fauna flora
- Shrimp and prawn farmss in india
- enviro changed cos shrimp farming
- Palm oil in Malaysia
- deforestation biodiversity decline occur land cleared to plant palm trees
- Pt.2
- Climate change
- Change weather patterns
- changes in temperature
- Changes in sea level
- Impacts
- Increased GG emissions
- Effects on Biosphere
- Less plankton
- Migration of animals
- Species stress and extinction
- 3 main threats to biosphere
- increased temp sea level
- ACIDIFICATION due more Co2 absorbed by oceans
- ANOXIA reduction of O2 in oceans
- Climate change
- Tar sands in Canada
- Biosphere conservation
- Global
- Ramsar Convention international treaty aim conserve wetlands
- National
- National parks preserve landscapes
- Local
- Biosphere Conservancy Mexico works local communal lands
- Global
- Being sustainable at a local scale
- SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT bring economic enviro benefits
- Conserve enviro 4 future generations
- avoid bad practices damage ecosystem
- education local people
- Biomes and their distribution
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