Bayonnet charge
- Created by: cait1312
- Created on: 19-11-20 18:05
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- "Patriotic tear"
- ironic- smashes illusion of heroism- propaganda lying to them about the greatness of war
- "Plunged past"
- Use of plosive phenomes and alliteration to emphasise the idea that there is no going back from the pain and suffering
- pain never goes away- PTSD from the trauma of war
- Use of plosive phenomes and alliteration to emphasise the idea that there is no going back from the pain and suffering
- Yellow hare
- (1)-According to some folklore, the hare is a symbol of an imment tempest, inspired foreboding and trepidation. It can be seen as unlucky to meet a hare and is often associated with disaster linking to Ted Hughes and his feeling of connection towards the natural world.
- (2)- The hare could also portray an image of nature in pain suffering at the sight of man destroying one another and nature. Is it vulnerability? Cowardice?
- "terror's touchy"
- Metaphor and consonance of T sound emphasises adrenaline rush and almost animalistic reactions (like a cat prepared to fight)
- Emphasises the soldier's insignificance and lack of control. "Cold" implies that the people in charge of the war don't care about the individuals
- "Cold clockwork of stars and nations"
- "In bewilderment then he almost stopped"
- Goes from micro (all about him) to macro (everyone/ universe/ stars)
- Focus of zooming in and out slows the pace of the poem down
- Goes from micro (all about him) to macro (everyone/ universe/ stars)
- Lines 11-14
- Use of enjambment over four verses implies soldier has come to realisation/ is in contact with his conscious thinking about what they've gotten in to. Essentially killing people of power of a country
- Following this line, line 15 breaks up/ ends the thought of the soldier and forces him to return to reality through the use of caesura
- Use of enjambment over four verses implies soldier has come to realisation/ is in contact with his conscious thinking about what they've gotten in to. Essentially killing people of power of a country
- "stumbling, smacking, smashed, sweating" ( STANZA 1)
- Continuous use of sibilance and enjambment in stanza one adds to the chaos of the battlefield and emphasises the tortue and pain
- Structure moves your attention as you make your way through the poem reading Ted's view of the war. From his dad's experience as a veteran in WW1 we see Ted's interpretations of the war and how he links it to the natural world
- Has an irregular rhythm making it hard to read mirroring the soldiers struggling to run through the mud
- The poem includes figurative language to emphasise the horror and physical pain of the charge and also to question the point of war
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