Behavioural Perspective - Skinners Theory
- Created by: rebecca thomas
- Created on: 05-02-14 09:30
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- Behavioural Perspective - Skinners Theory
- Key Words
- Reinforcement
- Making more likely
- Operant Conditioning
- Producing learning by careful and systematic use of reinforcement
- Negative Reinforcement
- A required behaviour learnt by the release or escape from an unpleasant stimulus
- Shaping
- The use of gradual steps towards acquiring the wanted behaviour
- Positive Reinforcement
- A required behaviour is followed by something the individual finds rewarding.
- Reinforcer
- Anything or something that raises the probability that the behanviour that proceded would occur again
- Reinforcement
- Skinner
- An American behaviourist psychologist.
- Aimed to make psychology more scientific
- Focused on behavioursim
- Theory is an explanation of how changes in behaviour take place over a period of time due to consequences for example rewards are likely to cause repetition in behaviour
- Evaluation of Theory
- Positives
- Empirical study support, that rewarding shapes future behaviour
- Plausible, realisitc theory
- Helps to apply to and explain a wide range of behaviour
- Negatives
- Explanation may not be correct due to limited research
- Ignores cogntion such as understanding a situation therefore the theory is incomplete
- Ignores biologial/ genetic influences
- Research is focused on non humans
- Behaviour can be learnt even if not reinforced i.e. modelling
- Positives
- Key Words
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