Ben 17yr old Gymnast
Teacher recommended
?- Created by: nkennedy504
- Created on: 02-02-15 19:34
View mindmap
- Ben 17yr old Gymnast
- Age
- Affect on Participant
- Flexibility
- Strength
- Affect on Participant
- Physique
- Mesomorph
- Studying A Levels
- National Curriculum
- Group 2
- Qualifications
- Extra curriculuar
- National Curriculum
- Volunteer
- Youth Sport Trust
- Step Into Sport Volunteer Passport (SISVP)
- Sports Leader
- Youth Sport Trust
- National Talent Programme
- UK Sport
- World Class Podium Potential Programme
- UK Sport
- Training
- Training Methods for gymnastics
- Weight training
- Burnout / fatigue
- Facilities
- Lottery Funding
- Sport England
- Iconic Facilities Fund
- Periodisation
- Session structure
- Training Methods for gymnastics
- Influences
- Peers
- Available time
- Peers
- Personality
- Introvert / Extrovert
- Anxiety / Stress
- Introvert / Extrovert
- International Gymnast
- Funding
- Sponsorship
- Media
- Effects of the media
- Amateur & professional
- Role Model
- Louis Smith
- Characteritics
- Olympic Games
- History
- Hosting
- Advantages & disadvantages
- Competition
- Types of competition
- Advantages & disadvantages of each
- Types of competition
- Health & Safety
- Equipment
- Risk
- Diet
- Specific diets
- Skeletal System
- \Movement at joints
- Age