Benefits of effective teamworking for service users with learning disabilities
- Created by: orlamaisie
- Created on: 04-04-22 12:03
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- Benefits of effective teamworking for service users with Learning Disabilities
- More likely to receive holisitc care and therefore their individual needs are more likely to be met. This is due to having a wide range of professionals with different specialisms working togehter to meet these needs e.g. OT, speech and language therapist, GP, learning fisability nurse, etc
- A seamless service can be achieved. As a service user's condition changes overtime, the composition of the team can change to reflect the changing physical and psychosocial needs of the service user. Other professionals can join the team when needed - team working makes it more likely that the involvement of other professionals is smooth and timely
- Problems can be identified and dealt with efficiently, thus avoiding delays which may be damaging for the service user. This therefore will have improved outcomes and enhaced satisfaction for service users. This also means it is less likely for service users to fall through the net, leading to unmet needs
- Reduces stress experienced by the service user, family, or carers as it is a more efficient use of resources, therefore it is less likely that care is duplicated by practitioners or that questions are asked repetitively which can increase anxiety
- The expertise and input from a range of professionals is likely to improve quality of care a service user receives. For example, the service user is less likely to experience abuse or discrimination as many professionals/carers are involved and so more likely to be identified
- Creates a more postive organisational culture. Team working has enhanced job satisfaction for teams members due to greater likelihood of delivery of quality care for the service user and so staff morale is boosted
- Effective communication is achieved and therefore information can be passed on more easily which can lead to better quality care provision
- From an operational point of view, all team members are aware of progress and decisions meaning if sickness or annual leave happens, the service user's care does not stop
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