CARBON - Biological Carbon in soils and living organisms
- Created by: aliceoliviaaa
- Created on: 07-05-18 10:00
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- Biological carbon
- Soils
- store between 20-30% of global carbon. soils sequester twice the amount of C as the atmosphere, and three times that of terrestrial vegetation.
- the amount of carbon stored in soil depends on:
- Climate - dictates the rate of plant growth and decomposition - increases with rainfall and temp increase.
- Vegetation cover - affects the supply of dead organic matter (heaviest in tropical rainforests and least in tundra).
- Soil type - clay protects carbon de-composition, so clay-rich soils are high in carbon content.
- Land use - Cultivation and other forms of soil disturbance decreases carbon intake.
- living organisms
- the human body is around 18% carbon; carbon is synthesised into complex compounds such as fats, proteins, and nucleic acids.
- in plants, CO2 and water are combined to form carbo-hydrates.
- Soils
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